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3 Ways to Increase Love

Updated: Mar 30, 2021

Scott has this incredible way of melting my heart and bringing happiness into our relationship. Since I have adored our journey together, I thought for Valentines Day I’d share 3 ways to increase love in a relationship. Every relationship is different, and there is no one size fits all-but for us, here’s what works:

1. Celebrate Differences:

I have curly wild hair, and he has a well-defined side part. He likes business, I like art. He eats chicken, I eat tofu. He does early mornings, I do late nights. He’s off sugar, I eat it for the both of us. Our work interests, music genres, styles, personality, on and on are different. BUT we have always expressed appreciation for our differences and have found ways to celebrate them. Differences don't always equate to weaknesses. They have their strengths. We both had little exposure to each other’s interests and pursuits when we first met, so we actively decided to participate, celebrate and support each other in our goals, and we still do! I took Scott to his first fashion show, and he took me to my first investor conference. It’s exciting to be with someone unlike you. Rather than trying to change people, celebrate them!

2. People That Laugh Together, Stay Together: No one can 'make' you happy. And we shouldn't expect them too. People shouldn’t have that kind of power over you. Happiness is a very personal and individual decision. However, when you decide to be happy it will naturally enrich your life and relationship. A good laugh can recharge your relationship and creates a general sense of wellbeing for the both of you. A little humor reduces stress and you’ll have a laughing buddy for life. Scott has the worst jokes, but that’s what makes it funny.

3. Create Your Own Identity Individually and Together: Never trade your authenticity for approval. The goal is to be unapologetically you and allow the same in your relationship. Also, what does your relationship look like together? Recognize that your relationship is unique to you and avoid comparing it to other relationships or allowing other people to push their views of how your relationship “should” be. Don’t let others decide for you or cloud your judgement. When Scott and I encountered this, we set individual goals and couple goals and went after them regardless of what others thought. Get into the habit of asking yourself, "does this support the life I am trying to create?"

You get in life what you focus on, so why not center your attention on building and enjoying the good in people? I would love to hear from you babes on the ways you strengthen your relationship with a partner or friend. Sending you much love as always!

Happy Valentine's Day!



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